As i told on previous entry, we gonna go for a field trip which we already did and went back home SAFELY last Thursday..well we went to 4 different companies of course including Petronas Methanol Sdn Bhd too..haha i didn't noticed about that since i didn't even looked at Thursday's schedule since i thought we would only ready to go home at that very day without any significant activity to do so..apparently, that was the day we went to Petronas bad..
Oh i wanna mention about how SCARY our driver's bus was (but he's a kind uncle actually)..He drove like we were chased by some antagonist character in the movie..he kept took over cars and drove freaking fast..Me and my friend were actually sitting at the back, which i thought the best position but it turn out a worst decision to do so..since the journey was pretty far so we fallen in sleep..when suddenly i thought we were involved in an incident!!! why i said so? well i was lifted up from my sit (talk about momentum, the bus hit a small hole and we were lifted up due to the force..every action has its reaction right) TWICE and freaking shocked me! n as my reflect reaction i was like "SHIT!!"..i know, what a foul mouth! not only me actually, but the others that sit at the back experienced it too..the road is not in smooth condition and it even have a i really felt like i wanna hit the uncle's head using my slipper that time!!
But then, we arrived safely to first company we went that day.
#1 Lumadan Factory (Sawit Kinabalu Berhad)
Actually i'm bit familiar with this place since both my sisters actually went to have their industrial practical at this factory's laboratory few years ago..sometimes we went to send and took them from work so i got chance to enter the lab (since it's too smelly outside i can't stand it so took 'refugee' inside there)..Straight to the point, we given out briefing about how the processes involved to get the final products (CPO and PK) from the raw material (PFB) and the grading..but we didn't had the chance to look around in the factory since they having some maintenance over there..for safety reason, we didn't allow to..although it a waste to not able take a close-up look on the processes but it's a relieve for me too since i didn't need to stand the smell inside there Lol~
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Explanation on grading. |
#2 Beaufort Specialty Rubber
We arrived there and the very first thing we noticed was the sign in the front of the gate which state "NO CAMERA"...but they still brought their camera in though..Actually it's alright if you take a picture outside the factory but in the inside, it's big NO NO!! Well, at first i didn't get why do they wanna restricted the camera inside there, but one of the worker told me that it's all about the COPYRIGHT reason..i did took several pictures too at first, but then once the worker told me that, it will be unfair to keep taking a picture when they hardly making all those processes or whatever it is to improve the quality but i simply leak it out..and i don't wanna be SUE not so many pictures taken at this place..But they did brief us about the processes on how to make the Specialty rubber (i didn't really remember the whole process since i wrote my note on my friend's notebook)..what i remembered the most was, the HISTORY part was the one the rubber plant was first discovered from BRAZIL.
Then we off to Menumbok Ferry Terminal..since my matriculation period ended, i never went to Labuan anymore, so this is my first time went back there after almost 3 years..times really flies..on the way there, it was raining..and then suddenly my stomach made some sorta problem, well yeah i gotta need find a toilet ASAP!! so i was like busy called my parents to ask them my aunt's number (she's lived at Menumbok)..but couldn't reached her, so i just went there and luckily my cousin was there, and luckily he recognized me haha..but LUCKILY enough i didn't go to the public toilet since apparently that place had some kind of water issue back then, there's no water!! *phew*
Then after i felt some relieved in my stomach, i excitedly bought and drank Cola, which cost me stupid gastric!! so i went to the nearby restaurant and bought a cup of chinese tea ONLY! so the laupan said to me with confused look on his face...
Tauke: "Chinese tea SAJA?!"
me: iya
Tauke: napa tidak beli minuman yang manis sikit?
Me: sebab saya gastrik lorh
tauke: *tambah CONFUSED!!* eh saya bagito ko, minum tea lagi bikin sakit woh
me : oh kalo saya ini lah yang buat hilang gastrik.
tauke: *berkerut dahi* oh UNIK juga ko ni ya..minum tea baru hilang gastrik.
Me: *monologue* bukan ko ja hairan, saya lagi hairan sbb ubat tdk efek langsung!
So we went back to the Terminal, might be even left the tauke so confused after listened to my words haha.
We arrived at Labuan at night already and checked in at Beta Apartment..The next day, we went to one company at Labuan.
#3 Antara Steel Sdn Bhd
Actually at the time we arrived here, we not able to come in turn out that actually this company forgot about our visiting and they actually having meeting at that very it a little bit hectic on their side, and there's no food or beverage too haha..well the others companies kindly provided us with these two..but since they forgot actually bout our coming to the company..
OK this company is currently under the Lion Group started 1992 when Sabah Gas Industry sold it to this group..from the corporate video, it stated that the income of the Lion Groups is 18 BILLIONS and me and my friend were like "OMG so kaya!!"..Antara Steel is a company which producing HBI which stand for High Briquetting Iron..from Iron ore which they imported from oversea..if i'm not mistaken from Brazil but i'm not sure either bad..Here, we didn't able to enter the plant site since we in big number of group, about 60 people you see..and they told us the usual visitors that came were in 10~12 in a compared with us, it's a huge different..After all, it's part of the Safety reason too..since Fe is hazardous substances so we need to actually using proper safety equipment first to be able to enter but with the amount of 60 people, they might didn't have enough equipment for we only tour that place by our bus, shown the jetty area (we also didn't had the chance to enter since there's shipment or something like that at that very time) and brought into the control Room and they explained about the processes the Iron ores undergo to produce the HBI at last..
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Awards.. |
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tour by bus.. |
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Jetty |
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the HBI products.. |
#4 Petronas (Methanol) Sdn Bhd
Antara Steel and Petronas (Methanol) actually are neighbor..So we can exactly saw the Antara Steel..But this company we only went for it on the next day, to be precise at Thursday's morning..who didn't know bout Petronas here, we ALSO didn't able to visit the factories both for Plant 1 and Plant 2 since the factories were experienced shut down and maintenance..i guess we quite unlucky since out of the 4 companies only one company where the factory we can enter and see a real processes of the production..but we got some sorta tips and useful information..We also learnt the basic salary for the fresh graduate is RM 4000.00..and we were like "WOW" haha..O the people in the Antara Steel Sdn Bhd also told us the basic salary the provided is RM 2600.00, and the others allowances are not included yet..isn't it awesome! but the bad news is, the male will have higher chance to be choose over the first i felt dissatisfied with it, but once we walk around the company and took a close look i understand why they set the standard like that..So for those who interested, what's you waiting for, hurry up and grab the position in these companies :)
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at the lobby.. |
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in the multipurpose hall |
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awards.. |
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the products can be made from the Methanol |
"Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge."-Proverbs 23:12
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