Just got home from lab couple minutes ago..my handphone ran out of battery so then i decided to quickly get it recharge..but then i just realize that i forgot to take the charger at home, plus my friend's charger also nowhere to be seen..why i'm actually bother by this?well supposedly, once i reach dorm, charge the batt and then of course, go and get some sleep..cos i'm way tooooooooooooooooooooo TIRED!
After been told to change the dye, which the one i used before this was methyl red, i decided to choose malachite green as my subject..which actually brought along some properties of it, the one who i couldn't foresee at the first look..it won't easily dissolve in water?SERIOUSLY!!!!!what the heck is that?!! I just stood there, speechless mode, for a while..then i just like, OMy God!what have i done? what i have done? WHAT MESS DID I THROW MYSELF IN?!!!
So i went to try and sonicate it
Nothing happen? God, i'm seriously death! *die die die*
Then I saw the master student and just called him to ask for help, so he asked me to try heat it up in the water bath..which I did, but the effect was just so damn long..only to see some slight changes. So i head back to the sanicator, then only after that everything seem back to the order..something i'm really really need and God know how I felt so thankful for that to happen and soooooooooo freaking relieved! Phew.
Well judging from what happen everyday in the lab, I didn't expect everything will run smoothly everytime I do whateva it takes..So I guess i should just come well-prepared so once i encounter with whateva it will be that gonna roll my eyes, at least i already bear in mind that my life is suck so just get it done in the way it supposed to be done..stop sighing, but banging the head on the wall is not forbidden either..cos i know it won't be that easy to get rid of that annoying foe of mine, STRESS!

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