Alright, today i went earlier than usual to catch up the time i need to run my experiment. Luckily, the lab assistant, Mr Jerry was there so then i'd asked him some apparatus to place the remaining solution..Among that i asked him a 500 mL beaker (take note in this thing). So since it just came out from the storey room, i just focused on the solution preparation and.of course, every glassware that u r about to use need to be rinse first, so i took the beaker to the sink and,
Followed with blood!!!!!! It turned out the beaker actually already broken!
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But what made me more furious was, i asked Jerry the plaster since i was such in hurry to complete all those 36 bottles of dye solutions and i was competing with the time, but he just walked around here and there (well i know he actually trying to search the apparatus that my friend asked him too)..But why on earth, once he found it and gave it to my friend, he still wandering around????????????
(p/s: as i waiting for him to gv me d plaster, i just wrapped my finger with the tissue..still d blood keep coming out! n i still continuing doing my i really need that plaster faster since i was in a laboratory, and all the thing i'm handling with, it's all related with chemicals so what else do u expect me to do)
Since all my works got disturbed cos of my injured finger, and hing run slower than it supposed to be..i kept asking c Jerry d plaster..i bet he thinks i might be just kidding..then he just came back and forth from his office (i seriously thought he brought d plaster came out, but there's nothing) and store room!! So then, cos i lost my patience i told him this....
Me: Jerry, kalau ada orang sakit jantung..mati sudah kali oh gara-gara ko.
c Jerry: (bertanya kpd saya la ni dgn nada tinggi) apa lagiiiii?
Me: Plaster!!! (sambil kasi tunjuk jari saya)
c Jerry: Ala, ya pula! (sambil menepuk dahi + dengan ekspresi muka yang baru teringat)
Rupanya, patutlah dengan selamba ja dia jalan-jalan..Boleh-boleh pula dia lupa..ish ish ish.
2. What's wrong with My Voice
a. Annoying? (!)
My friend told me that my voice is pretty high..I know that, but i thought it's not that serious to other's hearing. Since the lab assistant always said this to me once i start talking to him...
"Ni lagi bikin TEKANAN" What else can I do, since it's a gift from a God anywhere..How can i change this?
Yesterday, i even got short vocal class from my friend since she said why did i talk like that..She asked me to make male voice so that my voice doesn't go all high..hahaha sometimes i just don't realize my voice get that louder..and when i thought i said it louder, people actually didn't hear me. So confusing, even i don't get it sometimes.
2. Cartoon-like
People had told me this many time already..since i was in high school, to matrices and then university. They think imy voice pretty similar to the one in the cartoon or anime..But let me state this, the voice behind each character is actually come from none other a person, who's called as Voice Actor..(that had made me thought i might have chance to work and bright future as voice actor since my voice already like one hahahah so perasan)
I think i get this from my mum since when my mum answering my dad's phone..people tend to ask my mum this....
People on the phone: Hello, mana kamu punya bapa?
My mum: Ehh, ini bini dia bukan anak dia.
People: ......................
But my mum voice not that high frequency i guess..cos sometime it's really hard for me to tell what's actually my mum told me since i hear only szusaszusaaaaaszusaa...not even a word..i mean she talk really soft or usual, unless she's mad over something..that will be a different story then Lol.
Still, i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my mum! well, i will not fool myself by self-praise myself since i know well that i'm not that great as a child, still i'm learning and trying hard to be one :)
(diverging diverging and diverging....)
3. They said Manja?(!)..Omyyyyy *pening kepala terus bila ingat & muntah*
Sme of my friend told me this which once they told me, makes me feel actually WEIRD! Well, i don't really like it since if it is indeed true, then people might think i'm that annoying-type..That's explain why i keep asking my friends if i look annoying, cos i don't like annoying people and don't wish to be one...and it'll somehow can make people misunderstood too right? But if it's true, then how am i supposed to change this?since that's the way it is *bikin susah hati betul*
But it's not like only my friends saying this, but our lab assistant too???!!! Last week he asked me this:
c Jerry: kau anak bogsu ka?
Me: *jawab tanpa ragu-ragu wpun heran* Iya. (pastu sambung minta apparatus)
c Jerry: Ooooooooo patutlah!
Me: *nakatigok ckit* Eh, kenapa la?
c Jerry: Iyalah, patutla manja.
Me: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*punya lah naktigok my heart* manada!!!
c Jerry: Iyalah, sebab semua pun mau minta kena kasi sedia.
(so then sometimes he will tease me by saying i'm a spoil kid (??!!!!)
OK, i asked the apparatus since i need it all anywhere..and i asked him to prepare that bcos he told me so to list the apparatus and he'll prepared it later..But he just solely told me that but never did so! And other also put their lists on his door alrite!..So, it's not like i'm the only one anywhere. Anywhere, he's always not around the lab, so we can only contact him and leave a text and detail bout the apparatus to him..but it's not like we can get it easily. I even wait 1 day and not able to meet him and so, guess what's happen to my experiment? Absolutely, stuck. How i supposed to do it when the things i need was not there on d first place!
But maybe because of my high-pitch voice that surpass his voice (cos he like to raise his voice~but it's not like he mad or something, or bad guy.. he just like that anywhere), so once he raise his voice, as reflex reaction, i'll somehow raise my voice too..especially when he put d blame on me like:
1. My missing apparatus' form
"Mana sudah itu borang. Saya bagi kau kan, napa kau tidak kasi balik" *something like that lah*
Jadi saya pun konpius and kelam kabut la kunun p cari itu form, padahal dia simpan d bilik stor!!!!!
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c LA: Oh cni pula ni. (after dia t'jumpa d stor room)
Me: *kebetulan nampak* Niiiiiiiiiii nah pun!!! Haiya! (normal voice yg agak annoyed time tu sbb baru sja pusing-pusing and panik cari ingat borang sy yg bagi hilang)
2. Salah tulis
c LA tersalah tulis bilangan apparatus saya pinjam..So dia pun komplen sbb saya ambil balik-balik..Actually sebab dia salah tulis, apparatus saya ambil before tu bikar..tapi dia p letak addition tu d volumetric flask (yg saya baru mau ambil!!!)..."Salah tulis ba ni, haiya!"
3. Suka ambil apparatus banyak-banyak
Sebab dia selalu tiada, so better ambil banyak awal-awal!! It's more convenient for future usage bdw..(though he like to complaint bout that). If he's that easy to find, then i'll not trouble him so much..but since he's always busy go out, so it turn like this already Lol
4. Suka mempertikaikan sukatan itu apparatus
Saya minta bikar, jadi saya jumpa bikar besar and c LA ctau itu bikar 1000 mL (sangatlah sesuai jadi saya ambil terus~sbb saya tdk pula tau kewujudan 1 L bikar * ish ish ish*)..Time tu saya buat dilution guna 1L volumetric flask, supposedly dia akan fit or lebih kurang la..tapi somehow terlebih bah pula..So automatically saya t'cakap..Ehhhh, tidak betul pun ini..napa banyak sangat dia lebih!
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c LA pun m'balas dgn jawapn ini " Mana saya tau. Jan lah bah kau marah saya, bukan salah saya."
Which made me burst to laughter..I bet that's not the only thing that he doesn't even know.
End of that then.
Iklan Salah atau Saya Salah dengar?
Another thing i wanna talk about is the advertisement or whatever it is u called, from
There's this girl talking about Feb 29th, on how people who were born in year 2000 will be at age 4 this year, 2012..How that's possible? from 2000 to 2004 and 2008 and then 2012..???? Maybe i am the one who wrong.
Bout my experiment? I fail once, so i need to re-do everything once again..and i run out of samples!!!! But, luckily i'm going back home too this week (since i need to go to church),so i think i might find some to bring it back here..hopefully. I dunno exactly what's wrong with d data..either d instrument is in bad shape? But d Ph.D student even use that one too..So it's quiet impossible to assume that. Or maybe d dye solutions don't actually suitable to be testes by that UV/Vis..Since my friend (different sample, different type of dye~but d supposedly-pattern that we should get is similar) also get d same pattern like mine yesterday (d wrong one)..So where d mistake lies on? Argh, i don't even know it. Pretty annoying rite. But let's hope everything will run pretty smooth tomorrow, with some guidance, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.