Unfortunately..my dream had CRUSH!! Oh yeah, we got into accident!! but still I wanna thank God since we free from any injury and just got a lighter backache..Nothing serious fortunately..
But d bad news is...d car had been brought in to workshop..My dad said it's gonna take 2~3 weeks for d car to be fix here and there and free from d workshop..O yeah, thanks to d accident!! But, d 2nd good news is, all d cost for d fixing is solely from d INSURANCE!! So d my sis gonna have a brand new one back (should I happy for that?! I guess yeah I should..But I don't really since it's too hard now to go free-online)
The ACCIDENT?!!! Why it's happened? Here's d detail...
At first, me and my dad did having a pretty smooth conversation about this and that..(so that my dad won't falling sleep, and I won't feel sleepy too..well this sleepy head of mine is a pain!)..since I am so close with my dad too so my mouth will keep talk and talk without realize my dad actually fallen to sleep..
That day (d day d accident happened), as usual we take our usual route which not so busy with cars and jam road..So as me listening to Hitz.fm radio, since it's not a busy road and it's already 8 p.m, so I turn on the highlight..then when I saw there's car in front, I'll turn it back to normal one..But suddenly, it might because I pull d switcher too hard, I accidentally stich on d signal..
So I said 'Eh, kenapa ni? sottt" ..
And that's where it started!!!..Suddenly my dad jump from his seat (d passenger's seat) and GRAB d steering wheel and said
'Kenapa, kenapa??'!! (with his panic voice)
And I was just like..
"Kenapa, kenapa, ada apa?!'
So I said 'Eh, kenapa ni? sottt" ..
And that's where it started!!!..Suddenly my dad jump from his seat (d passenger's seat) and GRAB d steering wheel and said
'Kenapa, kenapa??'!! (with his panic voice)
And I was just like..

Then I forgot to step on d brake pedal since I only focusing to control d car back and figured out what's exactly happened..Well my dad hold it too strong, how am I supposed to grab it back?! But yeah, I CANNOT!! I only managed to dominate it for 10 seconds maybe, it's d time when I thought we gonna hit d hole, amazingly in that critical time, we still got a time to argue since I tried to snatched d steering wheel back (which my dad won't let it go too!) so that we don't hit d hole..
And then.......BUMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! and my foot still on d gas pedal, so d car was like moving in what km/s already, me also don't realize it...d car then kept moving, so once we managed to pass d hole, then I let it go (d steering) and let my dad handle it..which after that, we END UP in d bushes!! As soon as d car stopped, then my dad asked me,
Dadi: kenapa tadi tu?

Me: kenapa?
Dadi: bkn ko ckp knapa ni?
Me: manada pa pa..napa dadi p rebut sa?!

Dadi: bkn ko ckp knapa ni?
Me: manada pa pa..napa dadi p rebut sa?!

Dad: Ba, sa ingat ko sdh t'makan jalan..bkn ko ckp knapa ni?
Me: tapi manada..itu signal, bkn jln.steady pun sa bawa! mcm na la sdh ni kreta!!

Actually, d car is my sis's car..So I were freaking out (who doesn't?!) she's gonna mad on me! Well, d car hit a lump and then it's stuck in d bushes!!So what I supposed to think?! O crap! I'm gonna be a dead meat! For SURE..!! I concerned more to d car than myself..without asking how's my dad condition too?! 

Luckily, there's a car behind us who stop and help us..But eventhough they were so kind to lend a hand, still we need some help from d professional..O then my dad called my relatives who happened to live near to d scene and my mum..Well I actually pretty shocked at that time, so I forgot about all my stuffs inside..Well luckily I put my laptop under d seat that time or else this one too need to meet d 'Doctor'..!! and my phone too, in d car..And my mum tried to call me several times..So I felt bad actually since my dad called her and told her something like his condition pretty worst, and quit d call without telling her how am I doing that time..Then I remember bout my phone and made a call telling my mum (they actually on d way to d scene) I'm actually fine and there's nothing to worry about..except d CAR!! Once I saw my mum, I can tell she's actually already freaking out and cried..(well, all mum will do d same rite)
Here's d pics~of d car :
![]() |
Some of d lamps r gone! |
O d hole that I saw previously..It's actually not a hole..But a big drain
, which people that area told us it's actually really deep! So all my relatives and family that came over looking at us and like..
"nasib kamu nda t'masuk sini" "ilili, dalam ini..nasib nasib" "tingo dulu bekas ni tayar, iihhhh
And my dadi said : mimang umur kita masih panjang la juga..nasib nasib! *phew*
We all still can saw there's d wheels traces clearly..Just another inch and d speed is slow, we'll gonna end up in there..Since my sis's car is the auto one, they said, IF..we somehow end up in that drain, we won't able to get out since d car will automatically lock all d doors! Plus it'll entirely sink in there!!
Eventhough it didn't lock itself, we won't survive that day also cos the car will possibly over-turn and hit the drain's wall, something like that..

"nasib kamu nda t'masuk sini" "ilili, dalam ini..nasib nasib" "tingo dulu bekas ni tayar, iihhhh

And my dadi said : mimang umur kita masih panjang la juga..nasib nasib! *phew*
We all still can saw there's d wheels traces clearly..Just another inch and d speed is slow, we'll gonna end up in there..Since my sis's car is the auto one, they said, IF..we somehow end up in that drain, we won't able to get out since d car will automatically lock all d doors! Plus it'll entirely sink in there!!

So I really really really REALLY wanna thank to God for His's protection :)
p/s: Do make a simple prayer for protection, always! when u wanna go somewhere..There's nothing to loss by doing so..Well I always made it before I drive, so I believe God listen to it, and prevent us from a major damage that last Sunday!
Words of today,
"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him"-Nahum 1:7
Though danger lurks on every side,
In Christ our Lord we will abide;
Our God is strong, our hope is sure-
In Him alone we are secure!-Fitzhugh
oi... dhsyat ga ko keadaan keta... but, don't be trauma, cz i2 juz part of pmblajaran... just like wht i've lalui mula2.... haha. singgah jap...
ReplyDeletemang trauma dah..x brani bw sdh T.T