Today i wanna talk about Jermaine. Yes, Jermaine Jones!! Who's that? I'll tell you.
Jermaine is called Gentle Giant for this moment. Still don't get it?
Jermaine Jones a.k.a Gentle Giant is actually one of the contestant in American Idol that currently aired in America as well as other channels that subscribed it, like one of the fabolous-and-thanks-to-Astro-for-providing-this-channel Star World, Channel 710.
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Let me tell you why would i spend some of my time to write bout this guy. It's all cos because his great faith to God!! Yaep, he's a big guy but really gentle inside which contributed him the nickname made by the American Idol's staffs i believe, also he really has this amazing faith to God. He even using his Rosary around his neck, and never ever once in the air time, i saw him put it off!! Isn't he sweet?I think he is.
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Full credit to this image. Fully absorbed in his prayer, can really see how he want this so bad! |
OK, this is Jermaine's journey during this show. After his audition at his state, he was able to get the ticket to LA which is obvious lah kan since he's among the other contestants who you can see during the episode for top 24 choosing. During that episode, you can see Jermaiene really into his prayer with Rosary on his hand, of course his praying that time. However, he's eliminated in that round. YES, he WAS ELIMINATED!!! But, though he was actually heart broken and freaking dissapointed by that result, and even CRYING (he's too kind-hearted guy!!!so kesian to look one of God' child who's put all his hope through his prayer got that kind of result kan..). But still, his mother comforted him and he never put a tantrum eventhough his answer was never be a part of a reality that time. Luckily it's now became part of his memory!
Full credit to this image. During his audition back thenat his hometown. | was only for temporary cos he made it through, miraculously!!(watch out and take not to what i'm gonna tell u after this, cos this is all about of great God's plan and work to him!!!)
Suddenly i didn't really know what was exactly happen since i went back to my so-freaking-busy-and-tiring-life as uni's kid, but i managed to see the preview ()though it's a simple preview), either one of the contestant in Top 24 left or there was twisting there maybe there's one chance given to other or whatever it is), but what i know and sure is, Jermaine is now in TOP 10!! Yaeh, u hear me right! He's the 10th person called and told by Ryan Seacrest that after the nationwide vote, he's made it to the TOP 10!!! *clap hands*
Full credit to this image. I told you he's a big guy. Look how tiny Ryan is Lol. |
Wow, can u see how God's answer his determined and hopeful prayer?(!) I CAN! As LOYAL to God, kind-hearted guy, great FAITH, with gifted voice from God..i reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly respect this guy and think he deserved it! or else, why would the American voted for him right?
Praise the Lord.
Me myself really believe that each person has their own journey. God has choosen us even before we were born into this world. All the obstacles that we have right now, at the past or even the upcoming day ahead, it's all been well-preparedly plan by none other than God Himself. He'll never put His children into any challenges that might surpass our ability to handle it. God will never ever betray our faith to Him also. But if u choose to give it up first, then it's all your own fault, not because God never listen to u, but it's all cos u never listen to Him, and u make a decision to turn Him away from you. U actually not willing to wait for God's answer, aren't you? You start loosing your patience and then your faith..that's how it's all began.
Remember this words when God said (one of my favourite Biblical word):
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Hebrew 13:5
God works in many ways..God will never show it when you really expect it, but it'll come slowly, without even you notice it but right in time when you yourself don't really know that's actually the real moment that you really need that help..God answering all the prayers that you put your genuine feeling and hope in that. If you think the prayer never been answer even one, then your feeling are not pure enough for it to reach up there. So think about it...
Oh My *sigh* looks like i'm diverging again!!
So though i won't even be able to meet Jermaine in the flesh, still i wanna congratulate him. May God be always with him. Amen.
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Those pictures of where the Gentle Giant happily smile. Of course he is smilling when his dream just one step closer to his palm right.
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