What the @#%&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's almost 12!! Why on earth these eyes of mine refuse to follow the order of my mind but rather like opening up and makes me suffer from exhaustion!! Arghhhhhhhhh, cannot i rest even for a minute or two without worrying all the stuffs leave behind in the laboratory and just shut these eyes and get a pretty good damn revenge for today. CAN"T I huh?!!!! *sob sob sob*
Even got class early tomorrow morning. Still got to wait for d bus where d waiting line is just that AMAZINGLY (!!!!) long. I wonder why on earth this problem never been solve. So what d use of having this and that organization or so whatever then?!
I started my day with only tea 0 (well i'm not fan of sugar nywhere, tho at the past..yes) and Oat Krunch Crackers (only 1 tho), got wrong information set in my head where i thought the class start at 8 when d fact it's actually only start at 10 in the morning OK!..so just go to the lab then. Lucky enough for me when i went to Analysis Lab (fyi, me n some of my friends r doing our project at Organic Lab) this morning, no one using the orbital shaker..so guess what? Of course i hit d JACKPOT!!! Supposedly i only can run my parameter on Thursday since i booked d 1 (orbital shaker) in d Organic Lab on that day.
Since i was not well prepared actually, i was totally in rush this morning since we got class at 10 until noon..n i tell u what, even d preparation actually needed some time to spend with. So d Analysis Lab i went today actually specialized for d postgraduate students, so some of d instruments there actually OMG-not-a-wise decision-to-choos- to-use-that..*sigh*
So that's where things start to turn me into panic mode since i really compete with time cos i have like 200 minutes to run my 26 samples (exclude d others that needed up to 480 minutes to run with), but i only have like 4 hours left before d lab close..So in lotsa confusion on how can i make it happen, luckily i asked for help (sometimes in will be easier to ask for a helping hand bdw) from d lab assistant, so somehow i managed to deal with it and proceed my experiment! I also really really REALLY (seriously i am!) felt grateful to my friend, Ester for helping me out a little and accompanied me for quite sometimes or else i might be cannot properly finish it up today and end up alone in that lab.
(well, i finished it all only a minute away before d lab was closed! Big meanie Jerry even went n switch off d lamps to halau me away!)
Go back and forth from Organic (upstairs) to Analysis Lab (downstairs) was actually pretty TIRING! But missed d lunch (i told u so, i need to get on time and even watched it out~my samples every 5 and 10 minutes for 100 minutes) and stay without sitting for a minute for that 4 hours?!! But honestly, i didn't even felt i spent standing and in alert mode for that long. Maybe it just all bcos i really determine to get it done this day so i can proceed to d other one..
So i guess this is d price that i need to pay now for using my body on that extent and now even i force myself from 8 p.m, i still can't fall in sleep. So then here i am, go all crapping and deleting some unnecessary things to tell..but still i think i'm writting all that boring stuffs again..well, it's not like i am a celebrity or Kimmora Lee Simmons that having such a fancy and fabolous life to tell about.
Geez, whateva.
Lord, to You I'm putting all these burden that weighten me. Touch my soul with the Holy Spirit and guide me through this life. Blessed me with Your lovingkindness and let me be the one who You want me to be. Amen.

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