It's seafood time! Yeehoo, we went to Gayang Seafood Restaurant today! d cooking is well, acceptable. Just don't like d workers who actually not that friendly-type..Geeez, isn't d waiters/waitresses should at least put a smile on their faces? It's d basic thing for those who work in d field that requiring them to serve people!!! Aren't they? Well, those that i know did that eventually..i mean people, b it whatever TYPE of jobs u r doing right now, but isn't each of what u do is actually portraying who u r as an EMPLOYEE???!!!! What an UNPROFESSIONAL act!
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Yae yae yae..i actually a bit furious bout this kind of thing actually. I mean people r hired to their jobs EXACTLY because they r REQUIRED to do their jobs, RIGHT?! If not d case, then why would any department/companies or whatever it is, r willing to take them..Plus, what r their USE exactly if their aren't doing their jobs as they supposed to be?
You, yourselves should be actually tolerate with all things that your encounter during your work hours because that is what exactly that your WORK!! You r SOLELY hired to do that and you asked for that!!! So why complaining!! Don't u know there r lotsa people who still waiting outside there who r actually more WILLING to do YOUR JOB!! Without even complaining!
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Sometimes people just being sooo selfish that they don't know how much lucky they r right now, but still complain and complain and COMPLAINING how their works burdening them! As a result, they like to pass it to other people and hurting people..What's more FRUSTRATING, sometimes they even act boldly to bully others and not even say a word of sorry but RUTHLESSLY turn away and just left people being speechless over their rude behaviour and service! And it's even sad when people who doing that are actually much more older than i am..People who normally should SET UP a VERY GOOD EXAMPLE for a youngster to follow..not to makes us BEWILDERED over your guys act..Honestly, me myself doesn't find the idiom
"Aku lebih dulu makan garam"
can still be taken seriously/applied nowadays..cos b your older than us for more than a decade or more, still SOME of d elders somehow can be unbelievably conduct an act which more stupid and even CHILDISH than us, the younger one..AGAIN, not all, but certain, YES!
Oh's supposed to be me writting about our time spent at that seafood restaurant..but apparently i've totally diverging from what exactly flying around my head earlier Lol. Whateva.
Oh few days ago i saw d post our class representative had put on out official course's wall which stated,
"To all 3rd year seniors! please spread to your friends that haven't registered at my3s to do it asap before 23 Mac!!!!! else they might not be able to graduate! any technical issues that cause you can't do it please proceed to meet Dr XXXXXX asap~ "
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So i was this for REAL?!!!!! so then baru kelam kabut to buat that..but then, somehow i procrastinated it Lol..So after talked to my friend a while ago, she actually already did that so then i went rushing back to dorm, on my laptop, signing in to my3s and then completed all d 200 questions for about 10 to 20 minutes like that..cos i played around and went to Facebook and found out that Yuri of Girl Generation will makes her debut in drama Fashion King, well i am a reader of Allkpop apparently Lol..So once i completed it, looks like my creative thinking and entrepreneurship ability don't pass their standard but like i give a damn about it anywhere heee..
So that's how i end up crapping here right now..luckily we don't have early morning class for tomorrow, so it'll be alright..i guess? though this upcoming Friday we gonna have a TEST! Oh Shoot..This lecturer who already gain his Dr title..i'll make some time to write bout this lecturer since he's d one who left us speechless over his requirement for his subject..Well, that's what how d Doctorate way of thinking actually differ from us, d typical student..Well, d others maybe excel in their study, but as it for me, i'm just d average level..nothing to be proud of..
Still, i believe i'm a good child of HIM..that's what more important for me :) Then, Lord help me go through this life and lead me to the path that i belong. Amen.
Oh, by the way..i fall in love with this new song (not so sure if it's a new one, but i just found out bout it recently, ONLY!) of Edward Chen..Currently the only song i play is this one..Everytime i free, before sleep and while doing my experiment...Guess what? Oh yeap, i only listen to this song of him..hahaha of course lah i set it to "Repeat 1 song"..the song called Kupercaya KuasaMu..d first time i heard it, that d very moment i totally immersed on this song and diligently listening and grab the whole meaning of the song..

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