Last night I slept after it already past midnight..So then, since my paper gonna be on 2 p.m (apparently, it's a couple hours ago), so I planned to get up at 4 in the morning (woo, it's similar with Gwen Stefani's song huh. Lol)..But what exactly happened was:
Alarm : 4.00 AM (Big Bang's 'Oh Ma Baby'..hahaha)
well, GD is my scandal you know. So listening his voice everyday is a must!! LOL
(You: yeah right..whatever)
HOWEVER...instead doing what i supposed to, i betrayed my plan! Well, rather than push the "Stop" button, I went for the "Snooze" one..I kept doing it without realizing that it actually already 6.30 AM!!!! O shoot! Like a zombie I crawled on my table, grabbed my specs, making tea..then, revising.
Didn't have note for this subject (except what we managed to catch up during lecture~but honestly, me myself didn't really know where that papers already go)..So i GREATLY depend only with all the past year question papers and answering of course, GOOGLE~ing all the information and hoping might find the exact one..But you know what, i spend so many hours only to search the right one for 1 question!! Yeah, either i'm stupid or this GOOGLE is not like what's people always claim it to be~the biggest library in the world? Nah, I don't thinks so.
Clock: 11.30 AM
I felt like crying..My heart gone wild already..Feeling anxious and stress out! So i texted Terac to ask what time she gonna be at our exam place. Luckily, Nurul came to my room and be my savior by explaining me the whole principle of Sedimentation process based on EDL and Stoke's Law and Halt-Rouller Process. Both came out!!! Thanks God.
(Oh, we had our paper at the new lecture hall. It's sooooooo huge! Well, though it's actually the neighbor with my hostel, but i never make time to go there. My goodness, and it's my 3rd year in this university?!)
Since I was actually freaked out cos there's not so many input i managed to stuff in this little i went pretty messy like the one who just got up from sleep, cos I minimized all the other time-consuming activities so that i have more time in stuffing all the scanning-with-crazily-speed notes that Nurul brought along her.
1.50 PM
Paper started. I took a glimpse on the question. *mata tekeluar* I didn't know even 1 thing of it..So there's another like 5 minutes, then i took some time to pray. Well, i was too nervous and hang there..To study a day before the exam is CLEARLY not a wise choice to do so!!! (I know it but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy can I never stop doing it! *annoyed*)
2.00 PM
Paper started..anddddddddddddddddddd amazingly, I were able to answer it!! Though i left 2 questions. Which one of it I clearly know the answer of it~
I know the electrochemical process of NaOH production..but the question was plainly said "Chlor-alkali process"..It's the very same-geez-how-can-I-miss-it thing!!..But whatever..
Yes, i'm so in good mood right now. So i feel like wanna jot it down here, i mean what happening today..Paper which managed to crushed me since i didn't know what exactly should i study. The Applied Physical Chemistry paper and subject is now gonna be left as part of my memory. Officially over at 4.30 PM, once the i came out from the exam hall. Lol
OK, i'm not proud with what i studying last minute..Still i cannot help the way i am.
So everytime it's the exam weeks:
Last minutes. Overslept. Blank. Blur. Gloomy. Distress. Anxious. Felt like wanna slamming my head on the table. Regretting all day long. Messy. Sad over myself ignorant.
are always be my friends!
So everytime it's the exam weeks:
Last minutes. Overslept. Blank. Blur. Gloomy. Distress. Anxious. Felt like wanna slamming my head on the table. Regretting all day long. Messy. Sad over myself ignorant.
are always be my friends!
I wanna say my thankful to God for His blessing and for helping me in my exam..Not by cheating or what, but for giving me some comfort feeling inside me..and yeap, it help put me at ease..With that clear mind, of course, i managed to answer it. *wink*
"So Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree."-Exodus 15:25
I know not by what methods rare
The Lord provides for me;
I only know that all my needs
He meets so graciously.-Adams

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