Well today, the class was cancelled so I'm quite know nothing to do..last night I'm pretty excited with d news about d cancellation of today's class..but when today come up, I realized it's pretty boring..well I did several reading to some journals about my fyp's title last night then I got tired so I plan to just continue it today..but in no reason I kinda lazy to do that haha..After all, since I am this last-minute type of person, so it's pretty hard for me to do something without some pressure on me..it's feels like my performance in doing time will be at optimum when there's some kinda force pushing me..or else I'll just turn like this..lazying all day long..though I know actually PROCRASTINATION will be a really really BAD IDEA!! but when i am stress, actually i'm pretty LOST too..no a good thing too actually..what's with that maximum performance..it's only makes me wanna crying all day long instead! well that's the reality actually Lol~
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Oh..as I am searching for the best pic to enliven this entry..I also found some sorta causes of this parasit called "procrastination'..and what I like more are the fact that it's been visualize by a PICTURE! well since I prefer to look at a pic instead of burdening my tiny brain with d reading..furthermore, there's a fact that telling people are far more easy to absorb information through pictures compared to from a super long explanation of words..
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Full credit to this image Here it is.. |

Oh speaking bout class..it's just remind me bout yesterday! Here's my conversation with my friend :
me : later this evening we have class or not ka?
friend : nope..
me : so after this class you goin' back home? (ask for confirmation)
friend : yaep..
Then after the current class was over, I went straight to library at our school without any doubt bear in my mind that the class is what we've gonna have this friday..since this friday we have 2 replacement classes!! After that I went straight back to my dorm..Our supposedly class is at 2-4 p.m..
Relaxing in my room, where it's almost 2 pm already..then I got text from my best buddy :
Bff : we've got no class ka?
me : (confidently) YAEP..cos' it'll be replace this Friday right..
bff : Oh..Ok
Then not long after that (Time : 2.08 p.m), I got called from her :
Bff : Wuik, got class larh! (then..she hang up)
And me : ........................
So I called her back.
me : you say what?
bff : we have class right now lah.
me : ehhhhhhh?!!!! but 'friend's name' told me earlier there's no class.
bff : i dunno but I'm here right now, already..but nvm, I sign for you lah haha
me : (still confused but..) oh i really3 thought no class oh..but tQqqqqq (for the sign)

Then we hang up..But I got really3 confused

So i'm about to text her about that and when suddenly I kinda figured it out by myself...Then i'm just like paused for a moment and :
me : Ohhhhh, no wonder larh!!!
That class that we'd (me and friend) talk about is actually only MY CLASS!! not hers..that's why she told me like that..
Here's the real thing..Since this will be our final year, so we've got a freedom to have one elective subjects, chosen by our own self..Out of 4 elective subjects, you can choose one of it..So me and my 2 besties chose yesterday class-Advanced Inorganic Materials...meanwhile my friend actually take another class which is every Friday- about Pesticides..that's what happen when I just put all my schedule in this lil' brain of mine..seem it almost reach it's capacity that's why I can't process and loading all the information needed perfectly..I should put it on d paper larh later if this s the case..instead of piling up my gullible brain with it!!

Ehhhhhhh...hahaha !!
Look at this pics below!!
Can you spot the different?!! Well it's freaking obvious lah for sure right..It's actually my board and my roomie's board..How freakingggggggggg different it is!! OMG, i think i need to hurry up and fill my board wif all the chemistry stuffs too..all the formulas and reactions alongside all the processes! hahaha now then silly me got fired up suddenly huh

Ok..I think God really wanna show me all this things

"Walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise. -Ephesians 5:15"
We're all accountable to God
For how we use our time each day;
Are moments chosen carefully,
Or wasted mindlessly away? -Sper
Beware of spending too much time on matters of too little importance.
But isn't it perfect for my entry! God really concern 'bout me..how sweet

But................after I watch Running Man..only 1 episode though..since it's included in my to-do-list for today!!

(ps : I end up writing all kind of stuffs instead of nothing Lol)
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