I don't know what d hell happened to our class air-conditioner..well if something wrong about it, then it's too obvious come d worst situation right..well yeah, it's so freakin' HOT in there..d other classes are so freaking cold..why wouldn't our class be?? which d place that we r going to spend our time (fyi, our lectures are all at the same lecture room) for this entire semester lah..
it's too hot which makes me damn sleepy for all the classes I attended to this day..I wonder why d technicians who apparently REALLY EXIST at our school don't go and fix that air-conditioner..well, do have some compassion for us, people..We came to study, at least go and fix it..If not, install some fans there so we won't feel miserable.
Then..it's 4 p.m! 'yeah, habis klass..!! it's time to go back..but as soon as I looking at d bus-stand, my excitement fades too..why i said so? well I can see that all the buses already left while I'm still far form it (eventho I run like crazy, I won't able to catch it up..After all with the heat striking my skin, why would I run..It's tiring haha) Plus there's too many people at there...so I made my mind..Instead of walk straight and gonna have a long awaiting for another buses at the bus-stand in front of my school , I'd diverged and went to another bus-stand ( where it's actually near d buses' check point)..well it's an energy-consumed option ( it's on d uphill)but at least I know that d chance for me to get on d bus is much higher there muahaha
I arrived there luckily by saving my energy a little :p ..cos somehow d moment I'd plan to walk, there's a bus that going to there..As what I'd expected, there's also full of people..so many buses already passed by n I wonder why d population who's waiting for a bus still maintain like no one ever get on d bus?!..@.@
Ohh..sometimes d buses, even if there's still a space for a student, d drivers will simply pass d other bus-stand at downhill..duhh, it's not even killing u guys to stop over and pick them up..After all, isn't that your job anywhere..go and get your work done properly lah! haiya..sometimes it's feel annoying! But not all the drivers are like that..There's some good uncle driver too..
Back to the point, then I managed to get on d bus, but with some push-and-being-sneaky effort anywhere and yeah a typical conversation you can herad in time like this..are
"jangan tolak" "Oi apa ni" "kasut sy t'tanggal" "banyaknya orang" "ladies first"
"ladies ke, lelaki ke, same je lar" " *nama* kita tunggu bas lain lah"
It's came from all direction..
Sometimes d screaming is pretty effective too cos some of d guys may a lil bit intimidate and give a chance for d girls..but there's also some non-gentlemen who act "Dude, like I care.." ...But since I already spending 2 years using this service, so it's a typical thing actually here at my university (or maybe at others too?
! who know..).. To fight for a space so that u can get on d bus especially at dawn..There's no line or queue term (unless if we waiting for a bus from my hostel).. Since normally the students classes/labs will ended at 4-5 pm something..plus for d freshmen and second year students, they gotta hurry up or else they wouldn't have enough time for themselves cos mostly of them do have night classes..so maybe that's why even if they are girl/guy, they will fight (not like they go for a war type of fight) to get on d bus..It's a I-dont-care-as-long-as-I-can-go-back-on-time attitude..
Cos I'd been through that, so I'm not blindly talking bout this..well it's a crowded place however inside there in the bus..luckily, I'd met with my friend (who able to get a sit) so I asked her for help to hold my bag for me..cos the route is zig-zag and not stable esp if the driver bring the bus like being chase by a ghost, so I need to use all my energy left to balance my body..If u are standing, it's all about balancing your whole body already rite..Or else u gonna fall down or rewarded with any embarrassing moment of your life! What even worst is if you fall on somebody...
The best spot are to stand near d bus's door/stair/rail..at least that lil space can allow u balancing your whole body pretty easily while the speedy bus going through all the bumps..Cos you have something to hold with.
Then, once I got off from d bus, d very first thing I did was grabbed a tin of 100 Plus..cos it's seem like my energy got sucked up and it'll be at any time where I gonna pass out..well, I don't wanna have that kind of humiliating memory to be a nuisance in this lil brain of mine anywher..*touch wood 3x*
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a fuel 4 a *weak* person like me Lol |
Then here I am drinking this isotonic drink, typing this entry n...ohhhh I just realized it's already a lil bit of dark already at the outside..I'm pretty self-absorbed huh, talking all these kind of things right now (it's not like people will wasting their time and going to read this anywhere)..but whatever..I'm free to do/write/talk about whatever it is since this is my blog anywhere XD
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Just know-Fogging!! luckily I'm here in my room or else it'll be smelly later..Pheww |
ps: Life as a student is pretty exhausting..but that's how the real life anywhere. So even if I sigh, it's not gonna change anything..so gotta learn to deal with it in the best way! Hwaiting for myself! Goooo-go-go LOl~
Comforting word for today :
The obstacles that we must face
Along life's rocky way..
Are used by God so we might hear
"Well done" from Him someday. -Sper
God's word :
'Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. -Isaiah 40:31
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