Finally!! I submitted my final copies of dissertation!! Once I went out from the store which responsible for the hardcover binding thingy, I definitely went out with a BIG grin muahaha..At last!
I was out of breath at some point since we running here and there, to catch time of course and thanks to a lot of stuffs to handle with aside from just submitting our dissertations! Oh, talk about our Head of Programme, we were so surprised when we found out he actually an ANIME LOVER!! Can't you believe that? He was watching Ninja something anime the time we showed up asking for his signature. Then, we talk about ONE PIECE. O well he told me this, "I really love it, but not Naruto.", and we were like, "Yeah, me too!" LOL.
He even asked if we already watched it from episode 1, which we answered, "Of course we did!". Haha what a coincidence. Oh, and yeah..I bet he's already 50++. But, anime know no age muahaha XP
We also took some time to take pics with our lab assistant. thank you for being so kind, eventhough sometimes it was so hard to find him. Still, he always helps and entertained us. Mr Jerry and us :)
All those hard works and stressful days~ it now becomes a part of my memories as student for 3 years in chemistry field. Thank God for blessing me with such wonderful life, though it filled with bittersweet memories, that were the things that help me grow and going stronger! I do feel BLESSED!! ^^

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