April 15, 2012

My New Skincare~ Skinz :)

It's Sunday! Though it's another half an hour before midnight still it's Sunday Lol..So I'll go for Happy Sunday!  (yea yea yea, it's not like there's anyone who gonna stop by and read all your crapping here anywhere @rkorik..but nvm hoho)

I went to 1B church just now..So my friend got confused when I talked about me went to this church at 1B cos she never know if there's any in 1B..to be exact, it's not in 1B, but near 1B and only bersebelahan saja..Well, many of my friends also called it church at 1B..Since we will pass through all the way in 1B to reach there anywhere..It's my first time to go here, since usually I'll go at my hometown..Thanks to the piling up works, so I need to stay at my dorm for this weekend.

So after habis misa, saya and Petronella pun round2 1B..kami ada 2 mission kunun ni

#1. Cari white dress tuk c Pet
#2. Beli moisturizer and toner tuk saya

Ceh, apakah ini yang dipanggil mission..Ingatkan cari harta karun One Piece!! (saya rasa saya start suka sudah ini anime hehee)

So in order, kami pun round lah 1st floor mula-mula..masuk kedai, keluar kedai..Result= Tiada!
So naik p 2nd floor..jalan jalan, spot kedai baju..cepat-cepat jalan
Result= Tiada juga.

Wah, rupanya susah pula cari white dress ni..warna lain banyak option pula. Ish ish, mengapakah ini terjadi?!

And masa mencari-cari kedai baju, saya pun t'spot kedai jual aksesori..which ada jual Nail Polish!! So saya pun bawa lah c Pet menyinggah kejap..When saya actually fokus memilih warna (saya memang berniat beli), rupanya c Pet ingat saya saja tengok-tengok..Sebab maybe dia perasan yang saya actually mau beli, so dia pun tanya lah "Ko mau beli ka pula ni?" Saya pun jawablah, "Iya. Napa? Ko ingat saya main-main ka pula ni?haha"..Then dia pun cakaplah yang dia ingatkan saya pegi tengok-tengok saja..Well, can't help it sebab kami sangat jarang keluar sama-sama :) In the end, c Pet pun terpengaruh dengan saya. Sebab dia pun ikut membeli. Lebih banyak dari saya LOL!

Peach and Silver..and it's buy 1 free 1 too!

For the white dress mission, at last, kami tidak jumpa. (c Pet jumpa jg 1 dress, tp kinda tdk kena taste dia) But at least kami try juga lah mencari, so walaupun tidak jumpa, agak puas hati sebab ada usaha di situ untuk mencari and bukan sekadar mengeluh tidak bertempat. Sebab last-last mengeluh juga kami sekejap haha

Pastu kami pegi Watson sebab Watson ada SALE! HOHOHOHO
Itulah faktor yang mendorong saya bersemangat utk berjalan juga p Watson walaupun agak penat sikit sudah tym tu! Saya mau beli moisturizer and toner saja actually..Tapi malangnya habis pula toner, jadi saya beli moisturizer saja lorh..So mau tidak mau, saya bawa c Pet pegi Guardian (Guardian tiada sale :( )..But, saya jumpa Toner, so OK lah..beza RM2 saja juga :) compared dari tiada langsung kan.

Taaaadaaa...inilah moisturizer ma Toner yang saya beli.
Brand: Skinz
Selama ni saya pakai Olay..tapi pencuci muka dia sahaja..sebab cream dia agak oily and heavy bagi saya..Basically, saya hanya cuci muka and pastu pakai-tapi-tidak-selalu Eskinol (utk prevent acne jadi tym ada jerawat saja lah saya pakai..tp Nurul cakap itu sama juga dgn toner, so toner lah tu)..For this Skinz moisturizer, water part of ingredient dia so a bit lighter compared to previous cream saya guna. That's why saya beli brand ini. Since saya try both Skinz and NanoWhite and Skin Food (tanya pendapat dari c Teracy
:)..Result= Beli Skinz! :D

Reason napa saya tiba-tiba mau pakai ni? damn simple. Sebab saya jeles ramai org sekeliling (yang adalah wanita ataupun perempuan sahaja :p ) saya pakai moisturizer and toner. So saya pun bertekad yang saya pun mau beli untuk diri saya sendiri! Haha
Jadi after saya beli, saya pun bagitau c Nurul yang saya sudah beli hahaha..Omaiy, so budak-budak! Lol
Anywhere, for this one..mission berjaya!
p/s: Saya 'jeles' in a healthy way OK..

God, thanks for Your blessing today. I may not see it but I sure can feel it. :)

April 12, 2012

Jalan Kaki~

OK..hari ni mari tulis dlm BM, sabahan BM tapi haha.

Actually tym ni kami midterm break..taaaaaaapi, sigh first, saya tpaksalah juga balik awal sb saya sudah book UV/Vis Spectrophotometer tuk hari ni. mau cancel pun tdk boleh, sb due date mau dekat sudah wuarhhhhhhhhh *muka sabahan troll yg paling bidah*..jadi mau tidak mau, TERPAKSA balik lah..walaupun saya malas sudah masuk lab sebenarnya, tapi saya gagahkan diri ini demi melaksanakan misi untuk mendapatkan segulung ijazah (cewah, punya skema + style2 spy pny skrip bwahahaha)
OK jadi sekarang ni tym cuti..cuti means itu bas-bas pun macam cuti lah juga..tapi iyalah juga, manatau dorg (ditujukan kpd bas-bas bkn the drivers) pun mau rehat, p servis itu ini, jadi blk UMS semart-semart sudah semua..air-cond condition OK, and bus management pun OK?! well, mangkali lah saja.

Oh bas luar? Ada. Ingat miskin ka KK ni...taaaaaaapiiiii! sb tiada bas ums, semua org..erhhhh semua student pun berebut mau naik..tym saya p tgu bas tadi, ngam sudah timing dia, bas luar tu mmg datang uda and sedang berenti d 1st pit stop (tp tdk la jauh tu lah saya blh nampak itu bas)..sekali saya tgo lagi balik, adidi saya ingat apa, rupanya student ba pula tu..trus at the next pit stop (tmpt saya tgu), beh penuh sudah rupanya..tapi yg student lain pun tidak peduli, main hentam saja naik, n itu driver pun tdk marah so that's ok then..mmg over-crowded sudah tu bas, sekali dia mau keluar sdh la dari kampung kami ni, ingat dia jalan la terus (aih, penuh ba sudah juga mst lah saya ingat dia jln terus kan)..sekali berhenti juga dia..sebab? sebab ada 2,3 orang student mau naik..tapi respect jugalah dgn tu student2 semua, sb somehow yg 2,3 org tadi still dpt naik jg masuk..mesti dorang tahap MENYISIP sudah tu..

Jaaaaaaaadi...sb saya tau n mmg kasih confirm sudah yg tiada bas ums, memandangkan saya pakai sport shoe juga..jadi saya pun plan jalan kaki. anywhere, bkn selalu jg plus masa saya d cni pun makin lama makin pendek..so why don't I give it a shot right? So here I was..naik tangga yg ntah sepa yg buat ni..punyalah besar gap antara satu anak tangga pg satu anak tangga..sudah lah kaki saya pendek! huhh

Take 1 step of a time..slow and steady, nothing to rush juga..

Luckily, saya beli 100% plus..sb what I need the most adalah POWER x3..haha ini tagline 1 lecturer d KML sebenarnya, tapi saya lupa sudah nama dia.

Ini pun saya mau ambi pic?..ehhh Lol!
Then, tym jalan2 sambil menghargai ciptaan Tuhan and baru sedar cantik bah juga UMS ni..construction and building dia actually directly proprotional dgn green environement..ish ish ish inilah human nature kali, benda depan mata selama ni tdk dihargai, siap menyampah lagi kadang2 bila sudah sampai masa mau balik hostel..pastu bila mau habis sudah,baru perasan itu ini.. :p

Phuh, there's a long way to go lagi....

Pastu..yeahhhhhhhh BUSTOP aka bus station!!! Actually I wanna go pee, jadi d situ lah dilema saya bermula utk seketika haha..OK saya mau p toilet, tapi the only way utk jumpa toilet adalah~naik pg kampung CD..Kamu notice ka word 'naik' d situ.."NAIK" sebab kampung CD tu atas bukit sikit..sudah lah panas, pantazzzzz lagi..so saya malas mau naik. Sampai saya p text mami saya kasitau dilema saya kunu, jadi mami saya op kos lah cakap p lah sana (sb mami saya tdk tau mau naik bukit ckit)..Jadi saya pun duduk lah berehat d bustop skejap..dengan harapan, ada bas luar lalu..pastu wah macam Tuhan tau2 saja, jadi adalah bas luar lalu memang..tapi route dia mst p kampung kami lagi, jadi saya tgu lah d itu bustop..

Tapi..sekali tunggu dan tunggu, beh tiada pula langsung batang hidung itu bas..

Look....kosong saja~ *sigh*

Malas tunngu, saya continued jalan kali lah..lagipun tidak sudah saya rasa mau p toilet..jalan jalan and jalan..pastu tym jalan tu saya dilanda dilemma lg kunu..tapi tengok apa yang saya lalu..

Tiada yang special pun hahaha :D

Oh saya dalam dilemma mau lalu route mana..1st, lalu sekolah engineering atau pass through rounabout UMS untuk sampai sekolah kami..tapi dua2 tu pun jauh sebenarnya!!! tym fikir2 tu, jalan yg saya lalu tu kinda like menuruni bukit, jadi saya nampak lah bangunan2 d bawah tu..tapi yang saya lagi suka tengok actually awan..saya rasa saya memang suka AWAN! especially tym cerah atau 1 part ni cerah pastu 1 part tu mendung, have you ever notice? sebab warna awan dia cantik. Atau saya saja rasa macam tu? well whatever lah, it's not like I'm gonna deny it if people say I'm a bit weird..sebab saya adalah saya *wink*

Geez..nature is the BEST!! 

Nampak classic pula ni jalan d cni haha.

Oh, tym saya busy2 fikir jalan mana lah saya mau ikut..sekali 

Teet teettttttttttttttt....

Sekali pusing, wah kawan saya!!! How I am thankful for the ride *terharu*..sebab kebetulan saya rasa mau p toilet balik hahahah..Once kami sampai d parking kereta luar makmal, saya pun buat larian 100m or maybe more sb saya pun tidak clear berapa actually jarak dr toilet makmal p parking lot tu heeee..sampai mak cik cleaner pun hairan and sampai berhenti menyapu utk bagi laluan sb dari jauh lagi kali dia nampak saya yg memang buat lari pecut semata-mata mau p toilet LOL!

The End.

Lord, I'm so thankful for the blessing also protection that You give to me. To You I pray, guide me through this life of mine. Amen.

April 10, 2012

Pay Respect to the Death

I'm not quite sure if it is the term used for "sembahyang bulan 4"..OK, before I being a Christian, for 16 years in my life I was a Buddhist. All my family initially was Buddhist, but due to marriage and some reason some already converted into others like Christian and Muslim. So circled down to only my closest family, we actually quite a multireligion lah.

So yesterday, it was a sembahyang bulan 3 held at my uncle's house..since he still a Buddhist himself..Oh let me state this, being a Buddhist doesn't mean a person is religion-LESS!! I heard some of people have this funny idea (o well how can I think it's not) that Buddha is not a religion..Here's the thing, people have their reason, belief and RIGHT to have their own religion. Just stop being judgmental, can't you? Is it hard to just shut your nonsense? Well for me, the one and only ONE has the right to judge is God alone. So stop being that mighty and so on, cos i'm freaking sure that God won't be agree of you too..

I mean if you got so much free time, why won't you use all of your FREE time to go and pray! Build that relationship and be more closer to God! Let your mouth only speak GOOD thing and not throwing out some rubbish! and not some bla bla bla what-so-lame-and-cliche thought of how they are wrong, they are this and they are that. All I wish is just people can be more considerate and respecting other..That is 1 thing which I believe, can please God more than what you did by judging someone.

Oh well, out of point..again! Let's back to the story. Here's what exactly yesterday was. Aren't pictures can tell you million stories only by looking at them..So to minimize all my crapping, here the photos I taken yesterday by my not-so-smart phone Lol (that's why I'm saving up my money to buy DSLR!!!)
The position is must in order! That's what my uncle told me

each for respective soul~there were 5 of it for my
late grandma, grandpas, uncles

That's what happened yesterday. Then our family will gather together and have this family lunch..I think that's what special bout our family..Every occasion, we will gather together, chit-chatting, play and teasing, laughing together..and that's define what family is all about right?! Tough not all of us, but hey..aren't there other than this 1 like CNY, Christmass and birthday or  so on!

God, I'm so thankful for each day You given me. For I feel blessed. 

Peace ^^

April 8, 2012

Group 1 Crew "Forgive Me"

I listened to this song like couple weeks ago before I went to last night baptizing procedure..it was my sister who actually kept replaying this song that night and i were so immersed listening to the lyrics which for me so comforting and also some kind of bring me back into this reflection mode..It's such a wonderful song and really meaningful for me. So yeah, without i realized, I already fall in love so deeply with all the words and yeap, the song~ "Forgive Me".

FYI, i don't really like to ask my sis directly so i just plan to like steal it..ermh do understand ok, the word 'steal' here is what i presume with a good intention..well, it's only for 1 song anywhere Lol..but then i just give it a try to just ask her directly to where she replied me with a very dissapointing answer "i forgot"...OMG, u kidding right?!!!!!! But anyhow, i managed to find it anywhere hohohohoh *a very big laugh* u don't know how happy am i! i even jumping around and then up until now and at this very moment i actually listening to this song. O well, sure it is cos i already set it to "repeat" mode!!!

If u free enough, try to take a look at the lyrics.

Father, I'm going through some heavy things
It seems like this world ain't getting any better
The more we try to get closer to You
The farther we run from Your throne

I've spent so many nights wonderin' when will it end
When will the day come when happiness begins
I'm running the race but it seems too hard to win
I'm sick of mourning my stomach is throwing up in the morning

I'm calling for help and watching it melt away
My heart's been put on display and put away
In many ways, many times I told myself it was ok
And anger was the price that was paid
While these faded dreams just screamed to bring them home

The burden was too heavy I kept running from the throne
I can't take it any longer
I can taste my spirit hunger
God please help me get home

Lord though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I'm not scared cause You're holding my breath
I only fear that I don't have enough time left
To tell the world that there's no time left, Lord please
Lord though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I'm not scared cause You're holding my breath
I only fear that I don't have enough time left
To tell the world that there's no time left

I've come to terms that I'm burning both sides of the rope
And I'm hoping that self-control would kick in before I'm choking off
The sin that be destroying every fiber I got
I need the Lord in every way I'll never make it I'm not
Going back to the way I was before Christ in my life
I couldn't do it I would lose it there's no point to the fight
And I'm writing this song, for the people who don't belong
I pray away the pain you feel from all the things that went wrong
Inside a life that's filled with anger and disappointment
Cause daddy treated you weaker than all of the other kids
It's annoying and I feel for all of you who wanna give up
You feel stuck I feel the same way Lord help us stay up
You couldn't pay me to abandon the idea of true hope
That I could make it through this life into a place where there's no crying
I'm dying to find You with open arms when I go
Knowing You love me and You waiting to give rest to my soul

Lord I don't know what I'm struggling for
There's go to be more
Than this life I know
But still I'm here fighting to never give up
I find strength in Your love
And You will see me through

Isn't it beautiful?!!! 

Happy Easter everyone :D

Here the official video for your eye's candy..enjoy this beautiful song ^^

p/s: If u happen don't like this song, just leave this place quietly without leaving any traces for it'll only gonna stain this entry of mine..seriously, I'll more appreciate that. Peace :)

Finally It's Official!

I was hesitating at first whether I should update this blog or not but i think it's not gonna take a long time anywhere. cos' i'm gonna talk d main point only..
This night was actually my baptizing event..So since we were so late leaving home to go to the church, so I ended up went to there by putting my BB cream..some hand lotion and that's it! No make up on, yes NO since me myself doesn't know how to put it on..then at one point I was sweating on the face cos the fans were all turn off so that the Easter candle won't go off..So can u imagine what's happen to my face..and well the BB cream?! when i wiped my face so frequent?! OMG, i shouldn't let it happen on my BIG day!!! How can i treated myself like that? My future self will super sad lah..even me right now already feel so devastated! At least i should put on the BB cream back and not let my face looks so ugly. Well i know i'm not that pretty, but at least i wanna come out clean and tidy :(
But anywhere..I should just be happy since my long-awaiting (well do u think 5 years is short meh?) years to be baptize at last came to an end. Finally, i am officially RC hohoho >.<

Fresh look of a baptism..But what a mess Lol


Happy Easter for all the Christianity in the world~
 So that's all..for my 1st short entry?! 

April 4, 2012

The VOW! How I wish to have 1 LEO for myself Lol

So we went to watch movies today after class..actually, it was a TEST not d typical lecture we having usually..so we took this as a treat for doing a hardcore study for the midterm yesterday and the today test. Well, that's how we student usually treat our life with, or else, we will go for the food. not all students will do such thing, it's only for us ahahaha..

I was so eager to watch Wrath of The Titans at the beginning since I really love (still until now) the first one, Clash of the Titans. I like how they play their characters, how the CGI effects makes the movie much alive..with more 'wow' scenes when they encountered with the giant scorpion, when to the death valley or something like that, fight with medusa and the storyline was more elaborated compared to its sequel..I did screaming like some crazy girl there, but i'm pretty dissapointed with it!! Even with the help of CGI effects. it doesn't help so much in this movie I guess..I should just go for the Mirror Mirror..But luckily it's the movie day, so the ticket only at half price :)

With 20 minutes different, after that we actually bought another ticket for The Vow..O yeap, we went for 2 movies! And guess what, it's a realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly WORTH IT-MOVIE to watch!! Romantic yet the story is well-developed and I love how Channing Tatum played his role, it's damn real. You can see how he put so much hope for his wife to regain back her memory, only from those 2 charming eyes!! Rachel McAdams also so sweet and I thought the casts really did I good job by choosing these 2 for they really NAIL the characters well!! The story is freaking SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!! O my God, i thought there's no such man still exist in this world. BUT, it DOES!! maybe DO! ahahaha..There were so many scenes that can bring me to burst into tears, but the mood always disturbed by the uncle that sat behind me..I did felt weird, why would the time my tears almost come out, these kicking thing will happened! *Sigh* But still, it didn't affected me too much anywhere. So i let it pass :) The movie is soooooooooooooooo touching and judging from this, yes...I freaking LOVE this movie. But if u happened already watched it and didn't agree with me..well, i don't care at all.
Oh bdw, have I tell you it based on true story?! Which makes it even more meaningful!

Full credit to this image.

After watching this movie, the idea for me having a vow during my wedding day surfacing! Well, since it's once in a lifetime event..though as far as i went to others wedding in the church, there were no vows except the one from the wedding mass book..I think it won't be a sin to do so :) But of course, only when I found my LEO hahahah

Full credit to this image.
Full credit to this image.
Isn't she CUTE! :)

Full credit to this image.

So if u hoping to read its book..then u can download the epub version from

There are lotsa pics here right..It's show how much I really love this movie!! :D
"A moment that has impact"


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