1st : though I terribly wanna have that pleasant SLEEP and having a nice sweet dream (of course without me taking any kind of coffee from what I recalled from my short-period memory of that certain day)..guess what, poor me STILL having the trouble to sleep!! it's really irritating!!
2nd : I'm in really exhausting condition where I really3 feel like gonna pass out but luckily never happen though (or else it'll be so embarrassing esp if you're in some other place..) But hey, some of the celebrities out there do experienced the real deal though..but as I heard the news mostly were from Korean entertainer like T-ara's Hyomin and even LeeTeukie from Super Junior also had been hospitalized due to exhaustion!( poor Teukie)..and well I bet their schedules are really packed since they all are famous celebrities in Korea)
3rd : SIMPLY cannot get a proper sleep..although me myself didn't really get what's wrong exactly with me?!
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Full credit to this image (Google) |
well rite now..emm is me being awake this time considered I'm experiencing trouble of sleep? the answer is I guess not..cos' I did just now, sipping that addictive beverage..!! plus, how can I drag my foots on DREAMLAND when the baby keep awake and starting his late night concert right on the moment..Oh yeah, it's my bro's newborn son..we having the new addition to the family..he just like not year! not month! but 3 days as his age..pretty vulnerable living thing which I still don't have the nerve to put him on my such fragile hands..dude, it's a baby..after all a (considered) NEWBORN one!! wait until he reach a week or more :p
Since I don't have a photo of him, so I just gonna talk about him soon after I have one..but if it is me, I probably but kinda of am pretty sure gonna take a lotsa pics of him after all..lol
Talking about photos, I have a lots of pictures actually both inside my phone, my laptop and others laptop I bet..just don't have the chance to ask for that pics..although I have, but I keep forgetting about it after a moment so I ended up still don't get it :p ..can't hep it since I'm such a forgetful person..even if I'm going out somewhere, I will for sure need to get these poor 2 foots of mine, out from the car (if I'm home) or just simply going back to my room (if I'm in hostel)..cos' no matter how confident am I, but STILL..I'll forget to bring this or that thing along..ish3 the one who at fault is obviously this Missy Mind but the one who need to cover it up are my poor 2 foots and body too is drag along! or else how I'm gonna supposed to walk and get my things! unless me transforming into Inspector GADGETA
Elele, I'm pretty out of topic rite now!..so back to my main point..what is then?! *scrolling up* ..right, the me who having sleeping issue..well since I'm in holiday mood and enjoying the really-free-life so it's not really bothering me if I cannot get my early sweet dream, well sometimes I did experienced a bad dreams..but most of all, it's turn out as HELLA NIGHTMARE if there's a creepy zombies or encountered with a serial killer with such exaggerated ways in killing people (pretty much like in that SAW series..*shoo3, go away!) that's why I stopped watching that kind of genres already..since it's pretty disturbing to this fragile soul of mine (which I just discovered after I really cannot continued myself after such dreams cos' I'm afraid the real things gonna come out of nowhere and trying to eat me..ALIVE!!) *noooooo...even imagining it turn out really scary!*
Well compared to ghosts, I've been told this by a lotsa people already actually..if you yourself don't act such a snob and just plain stupid to get in 'their' line, then 'they' will not get in yours too..so as long as you don't interfere in 'their' territory then it'll be o.k (well I guess their also have a proper judgement regarding a thing) ..but if you wanna have such a foolish ordeal for your own-selves with 'them', then try it..but hey, it's all done by your own risk though!
However the case will be different if it's related to zombies (well as I google it, it's stated that the Resident-Evil-zombies and so many others from Hollywood productions are not really exist, but no matter how long they explain about this and that facts about zombies, the feeling of they might come and eat me up still lingered in me!)..well if they do really exist, how can they tolerate with you when they already called as zombies..a living corpse who have no idea what's they are doing, no ability to make judgement (if refer to those in movies) and who hunger for a fresh meats!!..and what's come worst is they even turn you to be one of them?! stupid zombies..why don't you let the one you eat just die in peace..their death will just be a waste since they will be awaken as an helpless liveless with such robotic and hideous way of walks (even Miss J from ANTM can't fix it!!), grumbling with such freaking scary sounds and act ridiculously wild-and-extreme as they've seen any living fresh meats! *shuddering*
And for human who having such undefined way of thinking and complexes in themselves, well I'm talking about a serial killer or to the similar with them..the freaking damn-it's-so-true and real fact is that these kind of peoples are REALLY EXIST!!..and another unbelievably true is the fact that somehow you will never been able to recognize them..cos' they are such like a chameleon..they might be the kind person who you ever meet in life and really feeling grateful cos' you have the chance to know, but at the next day you might wish that you missed the chance to know such person!! cos' as you wish that thing, it's probably when they show you their true colors!! *palis2 jau2* Somehow these kind of peoples are commonly have no mercy at all toward their victims! and they too sometimes managed to get escape from such horrible acts they did to the victims..
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Full credit to this image (Google) If it's was me who stand on the deck.. i'll rather shoot myself first b4 the zombies come n get me! |
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Full credit to this image (Google) a hideous multitudes of zombies!! *speechless 4 a moment* |
And sometimes I wonder, what if there's this one crazy scientist doing his own experiments thing to produce the real zombies? nonono, might it only in my thought n don't let it be!!
Like what happened to Jaycee Lee Dugard who abducted for not a day or simply a month, but it's such a crap of 18 YEARS!! the sad thing was the abductor's house apparently had received an unwelcome visits from a police officers after they received a complaints from some of concerned neighbors, but somehow they not doing a thoroughly spotcheck inside-out the house (reason: no warrant to do so)..but after all, poor Jaycee, who deserve to be treat like a real woman does, is now live her own life as she pleased. May God bless her journey of life.
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Full credit to this image (Google) The cover page of People's mag- telling the exclusive story of Jaycee |
These people, they might look like a vulnerable person, a successful in life one, nerdy, a geeky or anything, and having a criminal-look also doesn't excluded from the lists..that's why we should always being aware of our surrounding and pray so that we've been keep away form the evil-doers!! and society also should be aware and being more thoughtful and helpful in time of need, cos' sometimes without you realize it, even the vital thing that you think it is, might somehow become a major key to solve one case! some people might say it's such a pain in the ass to be involved in something that don't related to them..but try to put yourself in the victim's shoe, or their family condition for once..then you might see how important it is to lend a helping hand to those who need it! also, being cooperate will never harm you in any other way especially when you do it without really thinks of some gain, and just solely doing it out of humanity and as thought as one's another! cos' you know what, every deed that you've done will be somehow pay back in another way that you can't see coming, can't predict, and somehow a kind of repay that might help you in time of you needed it the most!! well, as one of Alicia Key's song told about- KARMA!!!
My, I didn't realize this..Gwen Stefani's 4 in the morning song really fits the whole situation rite now! and rite, almost 50% of this whole talking is about the unrelated thing that I wanna talk about, my kinda of Insomnia and another 20% goes to me out of track talking about another piece of mind at the very moment..another 30% left is about me stating about my actual-intention-entry..really, it's so much digression actually *sigh*
Words from Bible:
'I will both lie down in peace, and sleep: for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.' -Psalm 4:8
'Open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and needy, in your land.' -Deuteronomy 15:11
'In the multitude of counselors there is safety.' -Proverbs 11:14
I know not, but God knows:
Oh, blessed rest from fear!
All my unfolding days
To Him are plain and clear. -Flint
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