A couple days ago my dad brought me and my aunt to buy some fresh fishes at 'Pasar Pilipine'..
At first, I can saw some tourists, maybe that place has its own attraction to them, I don't know but they did like, walking over there and took pictures, smiling laughing and talking to one another..some even separated from their groups but managed to catch up..it's maybe some market toure to them..but if it were me, i won't put market on my list of tour! Oh, I also experienced some unexpected situation..well as I were standing waiting my dad and aunt (before the kids came), there was this one older man who's look likes at his late 40s, who's about to pass in front of me, but then suddenly..ewwwwhhhh damn! he shamelessly spat right in front of me and walked away like nothing ever happened! gosh, it's even in the middle of the path..! It's sooo disgusting and hey, that's really RUDE!! geez, i'm gonna deleting it from my memories..it's a VIRUS!
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Pics I took during standing there like a statue. |
So, as my dad and my aunt busy in bargaining and buying fresh fishes, I'm also busy in examining my surrounding..I got this thinking while being in the middle of that crowded place, 'Oh, so this is how the place is'. Then suddenly there's something that totally grasped my attention. A bunch of kids! Around 5 to 10 years old..well, if they are the typical boys and girls that wearing an uniform school likes several kids that passed me with their mums holding their hands firmly, probably searching for the right fishes to buy for their dinner meal that night, then it will not bother me even 1%..but, they're not! Those kids, each one was holding plastic bags..and they'll go all around the place to search for a customer..well, apparently a customer to buy their plastic bag..Each plastic bag is 20 cent..They'll all like to go behind every person who trying or going to buy the seafood there and ask if they wanna buy the bags..well some were lucky and some were not..So there's these 5 kids among that group who standing not so far from me (well I'm not participating my dad and aunt and just standing and waiting at another not-so-far stall), they talking to this 1 of the kids and then I saw his hand was half-covered with bandages ( but one of the kids too, a girl, had those some exactly the same wound on her hands)..and they like talking to him to buy another new bandage since those on his hand already got loose..but what made me really sad was what his replied back to the other kids, 'I got no money' !!! and then he continued to search for a customer..but since he just a little boy around 6 or 7 years old, small and had a brown skin with his messy appearance, he's barely seen or rather said, neglected by the crowds who far more older, taller and busier to catch up with their own routine..so I can see how he didn't able to make any money..then suddenly he walk passed me and in no time he's now standing behind my dad and my aunt who at that time, well pretty busy in choosing and discussing about the quality of the seafood..then I saw him quite doubtful at first and he just standing there watching over my dad without saying anything..and then he asked if my dad wanna buy his bag or not..it's a good try but well as expected from my dad, the boy failed at his first attempt!
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See what I mean! |
Then my aunt turn around and luckily she's willing to buy his plastic bag..but then my aunt can't find her coins and wish to leave..then at the time, there's another older boy around 9 years might likely was accompanying him, and come as a rescuer for the smaller kid telling my aunt that they did had the change for more bigger note, so in the end he able to sell his bags..then several of the kids who aware of that situation, came out of nowhere and trying hard to sell theirs too..but my aunt said no..still, she's gave each of them 20 cent from the remaining coins she has..they were around 6 or 7 kids at that time..then I saw the girl-with-the-wound-on-her-hand again, looked quite disappointed while watching the other kids (since she came late and we were ready to leave the place), so I just handing her 1 buck ( and I still remember her confused look when I refused to take her bag and said 'It's o.k') and walked away..and as I chasing my dad who apparently didn't aware I'm giving out money to the girl and left (well he'll not gonna agree with that anywhere, more i might getting scold from him lol), there's another girl who chased after me and ask if I wanna some plastic bag..well since I'm running out cash, so i politely refusing it..
Well I'm always questioning myself when I met these kind of kids..If they do have parents of their own or not, if they are real or fake, if they're slave to some sort of group or truly trying hard to make money on their own to fill their stomachs or whatever it is that may pop up in my head..but I always got this thinking too, what if they actually treated as a slave! yeah maybe I'm influenced by some of the dramas and movies that I'd seen about how some of kids were abducted and then force to be a slaves or beggars and even worse..well I did saw a couple years ago, in the news, that these kids might being controlled and lead by some organisation or something illegal to do that selling things and being a beggars, so society should be aware and take notice about that to prevent it getting wild..but I did remember in one of the movies I saw, the one who unable to make any profit will be punished..being beaten up, smack or even worse they'll be mutilated!! As in the 'Slumdog's Millionaire' movie.
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Full credit to this image. |
The kids will be mutilated in purpose because it'll make far more greater effect to people than the normal beggars..it's cruel, but even if it's what rolling in the movie, it's might be reflecting the real side of the dark reality too! Who's know?!..People said to me, 'if u giving one of them a coin or 2, more will come to u and ask for more'..well, I know what they're saying are most likely the real truth..But sometimes it's just happened I handing out some money cos' maybe by doing that, I might be able to save them another day for being beaten up because don't able to make any money..well I found some statement that quite related with my post rite now, from Henri Nouwen..he said that, "hospitality, therefore, means primarily the creation of a free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place."..
And take a look at these:
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it's over 10 bucks if i'm not mistaken, for each. |
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Marine plants-sea veges. |
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This one~almost 50 bucks for each!! and i like, WHAT?! |
p/s : no offense, but what I've written here is solely about what I think!!
'If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday' - Isaiah 58: 10
" Reaching out to needy people,
Showing them our love and care,
Is one way that God can use us
To bring hope to their despair." -Sper
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