As I walking in this path of life and experiencing the unpredictable and awesomeness yet hurtful in some ways but life changing journey, I did learn lots of things. Sometimes I stopped myself for a while and try to evaluate properly what exactly happening in my life. The bad..and the good things too. I realize I never happen to try understand people properly yet I just directly saying bad things bout him at first. As time goes by, and through the days I spent with people around me, I start learning and can keep up with their personalities. I start to tell myself, that everyone has their own character..and they just being themselves. Same goes for me..I always wanna people to accept me as the way I am, never ever questioning how I behave. Well, I now the LIMITATIONS o.k!!
Another stuff I did which I regarded quiet wrong is AVOIDING responsibility. What I mean here is when something happen, I try to put the blame on others!! Well, of course I'm not being active-member for this anymore. I just felt a sense of guilty for what I did in the past, so just wanna sort it out here Lol.
If I happen to cause a chaos, I just apologize. Not pushing the blame to anyone. But only for thing which I did cos somehow I won't feel anything but uneasiness attacking me. Well, somehow I feel that if I never accepted myself is lacking in some ways and refuse to admit I was wrong...I will never get the chance to improve myself and just keep being a liar and pretender that I am perfect in every part of me..which actually I am NOT!
If it happened bad things greeted me, instead of saying 'Why'...I just pray I can confront with the matter in nice way and put all my trust to God. cos whatever happens in life are already stated in our lifeline. After all, everything will has its own resolution, unless I don't have the initiative to work things out and put all my best to end things properly.
But I cannot help my mouth from complaining either. cos somehow I feel I need to let out the uninvited pressure growing in me. Only when I talk about it, I sometimes realize the one who wrong was me. But sometimes it either around.
Wow, somehow I managed to update my entry after a long rest from blogging. Too busy with my trainee days which will come to end in few days anywhere. I'm glad I am here. cos I got many things absorbed in me and got new perspective of my life. :)
All the happy moments, stressful days and not to forget with the OMG-what-a-weather (amazingly hot in here).
p/s: My colleagues told me not to put our pic on my #fb, so I accomplished my word by putting the pics on my blog. *evil laugh* :D
Someone mad cos he was forced to lift his body when he actually trying to neat himself. poor my colleague. But thanks to him I always laugh when looking at this pic..and it remind me all the moments we had together :)

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